2021: Renewal of our COFRAC accreditation

Feed testing ,

The renewal of accreditation of our laboratory in Saint-Nolff was confirmed to us by the French Accreditation Committee (COFRAC) following our last audit. This accreditation is a recognition of the expertise and professionalism of all our teams.

Our new technical annex is now available on the COFRAC website

In a permanent reflection to improve our analytical performance and our deadlines, we will now dose chlorides  according to our internal method accredited CHL IONO 21, validated on meat products, raw materials, premixes and complete or complementary compound feeds.

Flexi+, new COFRAC tool

We inform you that we took advantage of our last COFRAC evaluation to switch to the use of a new tool set up by COFRAC, “Flexi+”. This tool is the flexible range management application (FLEX 2 and FLEX 3*).  “Flexi+”  allows us to update our detailed scopes according to our developments (accreditation of a new parameter, a new matrix, a new analysis method) and to publish them in real time on the COFRAC website (www.cofrac.fr). The general scope defining the scope of flexibility remains expressed in the technical annex of the accreditation certificate issued by COFRAC. The detailed scope is no longer in the Technical Annex but is published in a separate document.

The publication of our detailed scope with each modification gives you a better visibility of our skills and this flexibility of use allows us to be more responsive to your accreditation needs but also to regulatory changes.


* UPSCIENCE benefits from flexible FLEX 2 and FLEX 3 ranges. This means that we can adopt and/or adapt/develop methods implementing the competencies defined in the “general scopes” described in our COFRAC technical annex. The detailed scopes available online, are the latest versions published by UPSCIENCE.